How To Manage Corporate Relocation Anxiety

Some job offers throughout your career may require relocation to a new city, and that’s a tough decision for you and your family to make. There are many components to consider and think through before making that decision. Many personal factors are involved as well. For instance, if you have children, you have to think about their quality of education. If you have a spouse, you will need to consider their career and income. Other factors to consider are healthcare, sports & leisure activity, other hobbies, and lifestyle elements. In summary, the emotional experience for all involved is what needs to be cared for from beginning to end of the employee corporate relocation process.

Once you and your family have decided to relocate, the whole moving and relocating life process could seem daunting, tedious, and lengthy, even though the results are hopefully positive. Leaving a settled life, saying good-bye to people, several memories, and an established career may not be easy for all involved. There may be numerous barriers family members may have to face when dealing with relocation.

If you, your children, or elderly family members are experience relocation anxiety, whether it’s before, during, or after, it is understandably normal and we are here to help. Below is a list of things that you can use to help manage your relocation anxiety.

  1. Research the new place you and your family are relocating to.

Many people, young or old, are anxious with “change” – especially when the place may be new, unfamiliar, far, or have different languages and customs. There are many ways to minimize relocation anxiety, one of which is to research the new place you and your family are relocating to. Research could include utilizing information available online via the Internet, reading user forums, and exploring different neighbourhood options in the destination area. Once you and your family have some familiarization with the new destination, rest assured that you will feel more at ease. In other words, the more information you have about the new place, the easier the whole corporate relocation process will be for you. Anxiety can be greatly diminished with the power of research and knowledge. In addition, understand that not everything you read might be true. Therefore, it is important to get your information from numerous sources to verify what is accurate.

  1. Exercise & Rest.

Although this seems like the cure for everything, it is extremely crucial to find the right exercise to give you relief. Cardio workouts are known to stimulate brain chemicals that foster the growth of nerve cells. Exercising will increase the activity of serotonin and norepinephrine in your body. Serotonin is a chemical that carries signal along and between nerves and is mainly found in the brain. Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline and works by constricting the blood vessels and increasing blood pressure and sugar levels. Lastly, a high heart rate releases endorphins which reduce pain, and helps control the brain’s response to things like stress, and anxiety. Rest and relaxation may change the focus triggering the anxiety or stress so meditation or yoga may help in doing so. Meditation is an “anxiety calming strategy”.  In summary, attention to your body and the physical needs are sure to provide release, as well as assistance in managing anxiety levels and staying calm.

  1. Create and use a support system.

Building a support system strategic plan may assist greatly in your strategies for dealing with huge changes to come in addition to any stress, and anxiety that those involved may be feeling. There will be a benefit in reaching out to speak with your closest friends and extended family about this huge change in your life – whether it’s short term, long term, temporary, or permanent. Sharing this experience with your loved ones will foster a circle of inclusion, and lessen anxiety. This will result in your friends and family providing advice and their support during this stressful time for you. Another strategy for you may involve creating a plan on how to stay in touch after the move and make future plans so you have something to look forward to.

  1. Think positive. Positive attitude = positive results.

Focus on what is ahead and not what you’re going to leave behind or how things are going to change drastically with your relocation. New beginnings can sprout new opportunities and being excited for this change will help you overcome negative thoughts. Once you continuously think positive, and make the best of every situation, your anxiety levels will naturally decline. 

  1. Ask your employer about destination counseling or support resources.

Destination counseling or support resources may be highly beneficial to help you and your family members feel mentally strong. You’ll be able to better understand the place you are relocating to from a cultural perspective so you know what to expect prior to moving. You can ask any questions you have regarding your new destination, and have them all answered so you have no fears about the “unknown.” Also, “cultural training” and “language support services” are available to assist you and your family in becoming familiar with the new destination. 

  1. Talk to your relocation management company (RMC).

More than often, a relocation specialist will be assigned to you. This person will be a fountain of information with possible personal experiences to share with you. This will more likely be your best bet to get your questions answered. If you have any concerns about your child’s education, or you fear that your spouse may not find meaningful work, talk about it with your relocation management company. They will have services and one-on-one sessions with you to ensure all your needs are taken care of and met which is the first step to a successful relocation.

As obvious as it may sound, the way you think about things and your perspective on different situations influences how you feel. If you get rid of the negative thoughts, and welcome change, you’ll be sure to feel less anxious. Just remember that there are always new things and experiences to look forward to, so why not be excited for that?

If you are relocating to Canada, TransferEASE Relocation can help. We are proud members of CERC and are an ISO 9001:2008 registered corporation. At TransferEASE Relocation, our knowledgeable relocation experts can help guide your relocation from start to finish, with care and attention. Call us today to speak to a representative!